Restore trust, faith and love in your relationship with focused couples counselling Melbourne has trusted for over 30 years.
This Program is designed to enable individuals to form happy long-term relationships, instead of dysfunctional ones.
You learn about your contribution to the relationship, and that it’s not a matter of FINDING the right partner, but BEING the right partner.
We help you get to the source of the difficulties you have in relating and, how to overcome them to achieve a great relationship.

This program is designed for you if you:
- want to enhance your current understanding of love relationships
- are single and disheartened about not meeting the ‘right person’
- are divorced and struggling to discover “what went wrong?’” and “what can I learn from this awful experience?”
- are ready to uncover patterns that are not working for you and to replace them with successful skills for connecting and finding a love to keep
It’s available in private sessions or a 2 day Workshop.
So, if you’re unattached, separated, divorced, or just out of a relationship, contact us to HELP YOU.