We feel grateful to have found Stan several years ago. The advice and tools we learned from him back then, still keep helping us to this date.Some friends have told us they'd rather wait 'till things start falling apart to go see a marriage counsellor. I'd say, don't wait until it's maybe too late, be prompt to take action early and put in the work to fix it.
Stan is fantastic, my wife and I saw Stan for a few months and he really helped us and taught us how to reconnect. I highly recommend him if you’re having any relationship issues.
It works. My partner and I have been getting counselling from Stan for over a year and our relationship really transformed. It took time and hard work but it was worth it and we also grew spiritually as individuals. We’re happy to say that we don’t need counselling anymore and are confidently managing on our own.
Stan's guidance helped both of us see where we were lacking and how to progress forward. He was able to verbalise our issues in a non-judgemental manner that was clear, concise and from a place of care and compassion. Appreciate everything he has done for us!
Over the years we had shut many doors for various reasons. Stan gave us great tools to not only doors open these doors but to open new ones as well. It is truly wonderful to have a greater understanding of each other and have happiness back into our relationship. Yes it was a tough haul and it will take ongoing commitment but it is so worth it. Thank you Stan, you are a true Gem
Stan is the best relationship counsellor we have ever met. His setting up of a safe space and techniques have improved our relationship and, even more importantly, given us tools to come back to which always work to reconnect us.
Working with Stan was an absolute game changer for our relationship. He taught us so much, and was so patient and lovely in his approach that I simply cannot recommend him highly enough. He taught us how to talk about one thing at a time, and to hear each other- no matter how hard the topic was to face. He also taught us how to recognise the good, and the growth in each other- and to share that in a way that we both understood. Knowing that our relationship will constantly be evolving, I won’t hesitate to use him again or recommend him to my friends- and I will say, reading the one negative review here? Very simply put, that doesn’t sound like Stan at all.A genuinely wonderful man, and fantastic at what he does. Even if your relationship is going fantastically, he’s worth getting in touch with.
My partner Lachy and I found Stan during the lockdowns; and we, like many others (I'm sure)... Were struggling with the feeling of being trapped in a home together 24/7, it was bringing up alot having both grew up in abusive households. Stan assisted us greatly with his wisdom, tools and knowledge, we are both very grateful for our time with him; he set us on a path for success - and I'm not sure where we would have been without him. All the blessings Stan, hope you're well!
Thank you Stan for all of your wisdom and guidance and for teaching us how to communicate with each other with compassion and kindness. The tools that you have taught us will continue to serve us to continue to grow closer over time.
Stan the Man ! Having visited Stan over the past 12 months he sheds a new light and a new approach to communication between my wife and I . Illogical views even though illogical are still views - the fear is still there and the fear is real. Stan taught us to discuss issues in a different way and a way that actually works. Thank you Stan! Highly Recommended
We have been with Stan through difficult times and have the highest regard with the help he has provided. We have been given tools to help nourish our relationship as well as a safe place to share.Stan has an warm manner and we feel fortunate to have had his guidance and support over a number of years.
Stan is quite simply, wonderful. My partner and I came to Stan with a relationship in crisis. He was a lifesaver, from the very first session we felt things improving between us.Stan’s many years of experience, his compassion, sensitivity and even humour made us both feel safe and heard throughout the process, never judged.With his help and the IMAGO process we learned skills we still use daily - among them, ways to listen and communicate without conflict or blame. We transformed from a very strained relationship to one where we can talk calmly and honestly about anything. Two years on from our sessions, my partner and I are now married, happier than we ever thought possible. Thank you Stan, for this eduction, we are eternally grateful.
First of all, IMAGO is something that works. Couple that with a therapist who has the sensitivity and wisdom to help people and you have marriage therapy that actually transforms your marriage. We are so blessed to have Stan helping us. He truly wants to help and that soulful approach makes his help truly effective. I always feel safe working with him and know we are so privileged to have this amazing gift of walking this journey of true 'marriage'. I don't think true marriage is easy for most nor is it something we are taught. Working with Stan gives us the tools and assistance to form a true partnership- what we all hope for when we say our vows but are at a loss to do when things get hard. I think we are the lucky ones to be able to get this relationship education.
My husband and I went through a rough patch a few years ago, as all relationships do - but instead of being the end for us, it was just the beginning. We were extremely lucky to find Stan and Fran who introduced us to the wonderful techniques of Imago. They are a solid couple with integrity who really walk their talk and it was an honour to get to know them. We always felt understood and comfortable with them.The work was hard, confronting, and a strain on the brain for sure, but my husband and I learnt so much about each other that we were blind to before and we developed trust and empathy beyond anything we could image.It has been 2 years since we learnt the Imago techniques and although we may only see Stan a few times a year, we still do Imago dialogues regularly and say one thing we love about each other every day. Our daughter also does this exercise with us and it has made our family all the more happy as a result.We both feel very much that each of us is number one for the other, and our daughter gets the benefit of growing up in a stable home with loving parents. I highly recommend using Relationship Rescue Institute to couples who aren't seeing eye to eye and I truly wish that everyone did the work to become as happy as we are.
We simply couldn't speak more highly of Stan. We found his gentle, caring and "avuncular" demeanour allowed us to establish trust and a feeling of safety in his sessions immediately. His technique was simple in application, but profound in consequence. The simple art of really truly listening to what each other really were saying has been a foundational skill for both of us that has formed the building blocks of a happy and strong marriage. We've also recommended Stan to friends, who've derived great benefit from his sessions too.
They state – “Our dream relationship often turns into a nightmare”. So, what’s the good news about this not good news? Francesca and Stan Levine have […]
A frequent cause of arguments is – “I’m right; you’re wrong” Does that sound like a description of your frequent interactions with your spouse/intimate partner/significant other? […]