An affair usually causes terrible pain, grief, anger, guilt & soul-searching.
However, it doesn’t HAVE to be the end of the Relationship.
If you can, it helps to treat the affair as a “wake-up call” – affairs often occur because of something that’s missing in the Relationship. The Relationship CAN be saved, and in fact it can be better than it was before – the couple starts (often for the first time) to communicate about what’s been going on for each of them, so they can begin to resolve the issues between them.
True, it’s not easy and it’s not quick, but it really IS worthwhile. The IMAGO & Encounter Centered Couples Therapy processes can help a couple successfully deal with the aftermath of an affair, so as to result in re-creation of trust.
If you’re in this situation, why not give us a call to see how our relationship counselling can help.